Thursday, May 26, 2011


Just thought I'd catch up a little with what's been going on with the Phillips.
We went to St. George last weekend! It was wonderful! We went with our good friends Rob and Tawni. We only had one full day there, so we hiked, played tennis, swam in the pool, went to dinner, went to lunch, went to dessert, went bowling, and shopped a little. It was so nice to get some sun since we don't seem to be getting much in Provo lately!

Preston got sick this last week. Poor guy.

Cassidy (Preston's sister) is graduating tonight!

Besides St. George, we've just been working.. that's mostly it. I'm still looking for another job so let me know if anyone knows of anything!
We are getting ready to leave to Florida in 4 days!!!!!! SO excited for that!
And when we get back it's Kelsey's wedding!!!

Bowling in St. George

Cass- the gorgeous Timpview graduate!

Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Stiles


Thursday, May 12, 2011


This little post is for Preston:

Preston got his letter of acceptance into the accounting program at BYU yesterday! He worked so hard to get in and I'm so proud of him!! He had to get really good grades in the prerequisites and he just finished applying about two weeks ago. He got an answer really soon, so that was good that we didn't have to wait long! It's going to be a lot of hard work in the accounting classes, but Preston can do anything he sets his mind to! Way to go honey!!!!

Good Books???

    I like reading. A lot. I have been so excited for summer not only because of the sunny weather but because I finally have time to READ! And the best part is I don't have to read some dumb ethnography or textbook for classes I'm not interested in, but I get to read anything of my choice! And I have already gotten started- I've read two books this summer so far. One was a LDS story about a family in Germany during WWII. It was called We Were Not Alone. Preston recommended it and it was cool to read about all the little miracles they experienced while waiting out the war.

    The most recent book I read was The Hunger Games! Ok so I know that most people have already read this, but if you haven't you NEED to read it!!! I seriously could not stop reading, I only did because I know that's very unsocial of me to be reading all the time. But it's so good! It's not like inspirational or cute or anything (the idea of it actually makes me sick) but it is so intense and interesting! I borrowed it from my mother in law and I haven't had a chance to go get the next two books, but I plan on doing that today or tomorrow. I'm so excited to read the rest of the books in the series!

    Sorry to bore anyone who read this, but I like books and I like when people recommend good books to read! So I'm going to recommend a couple other of my favorites and let me know if you've read any good ones!

Amazing book/true story!!
Couldn't believe this really went on only 17 years ago!!

Anything by Nicholas Sparks is great!
This is a sad one, but really interesting!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Beginning

    So, I don't know exactly how to start this blog... I should have started it when we got engaged or married or something, but I didn't.. so I guess I could just give a little description of all that and then just jump right into our life together now.
    Preston and I met in January of 2010 at a Noah's party (well we didn't really meet but he first saw me there). He added me on Facebook and we planned to hang out sometime. Well we didn't end up going on our first date until about March. We went to dinner at Gurus and that was it. I didn't really think anything of it until our second date. We went to get ice cream and while eating I realized that I was really interested in him. After that date we went out all the time and had a wonderful summer together! We went on vacation to San Diego with my family and one night sitting on the beach, we talked about getting married. I was a little nervous, but as time went on I knew that I wanted to marry Preston! I knew that he was everything I had been looking for in a husband and that I never wanted to be without him.
    We got engaged in October and then we got married in the Salt Lake temple on December 28th. It was a crazy time before the wedding trying to get all the wedding preparations done, study and take our finals, and get our Christmas shopping done. But, we pulled it off and then enjoyed a much needed vacation in Isla Mujeres, Mexico for our honeymoon!
    When we got back from our honeymoon we had to go to class the next day (well I didn't because I hadn't signed up for classes yet!) and we still had to decorate and furnish our apartment. It was so fun though, we went shopping everything weekend returning things and getting things for our apartment. I loved it!
    So, there's my little summary of our life together so far! Hopefully I'll make another little post sometime soon!!!

San Diego trip

The night we got engaged

Honeymoon in Cancun

Our wedding day